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We are also an NDIS Service Provider

We cater for kids & adults with all types of disabilities!

Rates may very for these services.

All staff also hold current Blue Cards

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     1336-1370 Mount Cotton Road,

Text or Phone: Deb 0412 177 757

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Owner & Manager

The founder & Owner of Millies who drives the passion behind all of our animals & clients.

Join us for an experience you will so deeply enjoy, reconnect to the outdoors, animals & get the kids off their devices.

Come step into our healing, learning & enriching environment full of fantastic aroma for all Adults & Children.

Pony Paradise
Riding School

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Read our full editorial story by clicking the link below
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Hi Everyone.......
I'm E-or & I just want to explain that here at Millie's all money from lessons & activities are poured back into the health, care & feed of all of the horses here. We are a home based business giving everyone the chance to learn how to be safe on the ground & to learn how to ride, so when you have a lesson here on one of my friends, yes the horses - the money you pay goes directly back into the care & for feed for all of us. We cost a lot of money for our Mum to look after us with not only food but also having our feet trimmed regularly, medications, correct equipment & tack, vet bills, vaccinations, worming, fly sprays, fly masks & coats for the cold winter times plus lots of hay every day with our bucket feeds.
Please book in for a lesson to help with these costs plus any donations to help support us are always so greatly appreciated.  You can even book to have a little ride on me as I am broken in too.. Call mum to book me in..


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Meet our Instructors...


Maddy M

HI my name is Maddy M, not only do  I love to work with horses they are my happy place and make me well me... I have a good variety of experience with horses but riding wise I am mainly eventing based which is Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country. I love to try new things and meet new people as well as the horses... I look forward to seeing you in the ARENA !! 𐂃 

p.s Gee & Tyson are my most favourites



I’ve spent the last 7 years riding and working with horses and wouldn’t change it for anything, I’m also lucky enough to have my own beautiful horse named Santa!!! 

I absolutely love everything horsey related and enjoy giving everyone a fun and memorable experience when I teach. I hope to see you in the arena soon

Debs, For Our Millie

Our beautiful old girl, Millie. You started our love for Horses & Inspired us with your sweet soul. We will always have you in our Heart.


Millie, the old mare that started everything off, who sadly passed away at age 35 and then my business was named after her in honour of what she did for so many little children, to make them feel safe around her and taught them so much whilst she was still alive.


She looks over us in the arena & stables every day as she was buried right there to be able to watch we all stay safe.

Millie’s Pony Paradise Riding School’s Mission: Is to provide wide-ranging and comprehensive riding and horsemanship programs and activities that bring horses and humans together to promote self -awareness, inspire confidence, provide emotionally transformative experiences and teach transferable skills all within a safe, clean and accepting environment.

Our holistic approach allows riders and non-riders, professionals and amateurs to confront their horse- fears, gain understanding, practice respect and experience compassion for horses and each other in a finely- tuned program using the values and principles of natural horsemanship.

Our clients are open-minded learners who want to connect with something outside of themselves. Their attitude is progressive and they are flexible in their thinking. The client knows, or at least suspects, that the skills they learn and use relating to horses is transferable to relating to people. By increasing their awareness of how horses behave the client increases their awareness of their own behavior and the behavior of others. The client’s attitude is “I am open to receiving new information and to exploring the possibilities that result”.

A Herd of Two: The moment a person rides or works with a horse they become part of a herd. For the herd to be productive and maintain unity there must be trust between its members whether the herd is people, people and horses, or just horses. Millie’s Pony Paradise Riding School facilitates relationship building between humans and horses and humans and humans by helping riders establish clear expectations of themselves, their horse and others and giving them the knowledge and tools for effective communication that leads to a productive relationship and fulfillment. A horse partner provides a safe way to learn and master skills that work equally well with people.

Our Method: Where Natural Is our schools normal teaching methods encompass the physical elements of balanced centered horseback riding, the intellectual acquisition of natural training techniques and the emotional aspects of fear and confidence. The program includes goal setting, managing expectations, establishing and maintaining standards and learning the seven steps to confidence. Humans and horses are paired so riders see first-hand how different personalities need different teaching methods to succeed. Safety, respect and gratitude are elemental to ALL our Programs.

Our "Rider of the WEEK"

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Alaya Rothwell

" I have learnt a lot since I’ve been taking riding lessons at Millie’s Ponies Paradise Riding School. I can now mount and dismount a horse. I am now able to walk & trot bareback, normal trot, canter, jump & groom. Wasabi is a liberty horse and takes care of people who rides him, he also smiles, bows and hugs. Millie's Ponies have the most amazing instructors ensuring riders are trained in a safe and correct way. "

From Alaya Rothwell

Millies Pony Paradise Riding School was created in respect to our late old girl...Millie who went on to live till she was a 35-year-old mare.

She inspired us all to love, cherish & respect animals & people from all backgrounds, so I'm so very proud to be the Owner of this Horse Riding & Handling School for children of all ages, disabilities & life styles so they too can experience what these magical animals can do to your life...


Our Horses were mostly rescued from extreme circumstances & we have personally rehabilitated them mentally & physically to bring them back to their best, so they can now teach children & adults new to horses how to be safe, confident & spiritual with them.

There power to heal is truly amazing!

We offer one on one or small group lessons, Kids Horsey Fun Day Programs, Kids Pony Parties & On-Site Trailing Riding on over 40 lush acres.

Our on-site facilities allow you to have your own BBQ or Picnic areas to enjoy for parties etc.

A fantastic experience for any child who already loves horses or who has always wished to be near them & learn how to not only ride them but also look after them & connect with them.

Many of the parents who have bought their children always comment on the amazing space & feel, we aim to project our happy spirits & sense of treating people like family at our home.

Plus we have a lot of super friendly animals here which everyone falls in love with including, 5 dogs, 9 cats, 3 baby turkey's, free-ranging chickens & guinea fowl, ducks, geese, 4 goslings, birds, fish and of course all our amazing horses and our special Donkey, who just loves everyone!.

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We also have a certificate of achievement system here, where the lesson takers work their way from Level 1 through to 10.  They learn than are tested of their ability to achieve each level

Our School Horses



Howdy there mates my name is Sy and I'm 14 Yrs old and I am a stock horse & my best friend is Prince. I  am usually a beginners favorite as I don't really like to trot or canter much, happy to just plot along helping kids learn the basics. I love eating and I think I could actually eat a whole box of apples if I had a chance.



As a very sweet lady, I love the attention that people give & I love helping beginner riders to learn the basics plus those rider who have ridden before. Most people love my colour with my black mane & tail they say I look very pretty, which I won't argue with. I think my eyes match my mane as well by the way!

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Hi, my name is Gracie "AKA" The Amazing Grace. I am known as the big horse and also the boss. I am 9 Yrs old and only have one eye but that is what makes me unique and stand out. I have done jumping and dressage. My highest jump is a metre and a half, one of my favourite things to do is hang out with my best buddy Sy. I would prefer a confident rider on me as I get confused with different people, but would do anything to please you.



I am the "Big Boy" here standing at over 17 hh but in saying that, I am very much just like a big Teddy Bear, as Mum always calls me.. I like to take my time moving about plus I just love hugs & attention, particularly hugs & treats of just about any sort.  I have tried jumping but think I might be a bit too well... lazy for that so don't be worried about how big I am as I am just a big softy at heart.

I love to be nice & fat so if you have any extra apples, please think of me.

Our Horses


Mr Skittles

Hey Everyone, I am Mr Skittles, I am a big boy but as gentle as a little kitten. I usually have some of the adults ride me plus I am so nice & quiet that I do lots of lessons with kids & adults with disabilities as my loving calm nature makes them feel nice & calm too.

Also just quietly... I actually love Carrots better than Apples but I will eat them both of course.



Well everyone calls me Noah, my full name is Zenoah. I am every child's best friend as I have spent most of my time leading kids around on my back.  I love all the attention they give me - in particular the carrots, just quietly! If you are 3 yrs or over you are more than welcome to hop on & come for a walk with me.  Oh.. I also love a big cuddle at the end please.. 

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Hey guys, I am one of the little ponies here.  I am fully broken to saddle so I am your man for the little tiny kids around 3-4 years old.  Everyone thinks I am a bit cheeky but I really just love being the center of attention.

Hi,  my name is Louie I am the biggest of all the small ponies which goes with my personality... I am the funniest horse here, I'm cheeky and playful but do not bite.  I am such a happy little boy!



So, I am Princess Bindi. I am the other tiny Pony here besides Elvis, so we are nest of friends, although I try to boss him around a lot.. I enjoy being brushed as my mane is very long, just how I love it. 


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Well, I am the Competition Boy, I love to jump, canter & enter many different events plus I love being at the Riding School to help the higher level riders to practice their goals, jump & enjoy my high level of expereince. 

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I am Chilli, no I am not spicey or hot, I am actually quite calm & loveable most of the time.  I am in training at the moment to learn more skills & all the staff are helping me, so I am loving it. I will be ready for the higher level riders very soon as I think I love jumping!

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Prince is my name & I am the really solid Palamino you will see here.  I am also best friends with Sy.  Only experienced riders can ride me as I can be s Bit strong as I have big muscles!



I am the lovely Bella.. yes which mean "beautiful" in Italian.  I am energetic, caring, love being brushed & am generally for the more advanced riders as I am a pretty quick thinker, so can move my feet fast if I need to and I love trotting and cantering, I think this keeps me looking so pretty!

I am also used for leadline rides so they are for beginners as I love it when they spoil me with carrots.

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Hi my name is Tyson, I am pretty much Mum's little boy!  I am quite cheeky & love going into everyone else's paddock to see what's happening.  I'm only 9 & have the best canter out of everyone... well that's what I think anyway...


You can ride me anytime with a soft rein & I will do whatever you want from me... 




Hi Everyone, my name is Lulu. I'm a sweet girl who loves nice soft riders. I love to be brushed & treated really special and I have done dressage & jumping competitions in the past. .. Oh... I also love carrots and love all the attention I can get. I am super friendly and love treats. I also think I am the sweetest one here. Just so you know as well Dusty & I are best friends...

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Hi,  my name is Lonnie i am an Aribian x thoroughbred my colour is bay. i have competed in the Olympics for dressage and i know a bit of Spanish and sign language. i am surprisingly the biggest horse here. i don't act like it but i am a big gentle giant who just wants attention. i am 24 Yrs old and excited to have a confident and advanced rider jump on and go for a nice ride.



Well, I am Dusty... I am the Palamino here at the School & I just love everything... walking, trotting, cantering & I especially love being groomed to keep my golden hair looking nice & shiney. I am only 6 so have plenty of youth in me but will only go if you ask me too. I enjoy jumping too.



Hi my name is Gray & I am a 16 year old with a heart of gold. I am super tall & absolutely love to be brushed to keep my white coat looking clean. I am so friendly & gentle & love people.

Hay & Apples are my favourite food.



Hey I'm Wasabi.. I am the master of nearly everything... I have so much great training that I even smile at you if you ask me too. I love doing lessons & love to jump. I pretty much love doing everything from arena work to trail rides... Look at my handsome face!!

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1336-1370 Mount Cotton Road,


Get In Touch
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We'd love to hear from you

Debs: 0412 177 757

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